Emotional Design and Immersion in Story-Driven Video Games. The Case of Detroit: Become Human
Visual arts, emotional development, systems design, emotional design, humanism, immersion, story-driven system, technology, video gamesAbstract
Video games have burst into prominence in today’s society and have revolutionized how we interact with machines. This article deals with emotional design and immersion in story-driven video games. The primary purpose is to discuss emotional design and immersion regarding the central characters of the video game Detroit: Become Human (Quantic Dream, 2018), which are three androids named Markus, Connor, and Kara. The main result shows that the design of this video game enables the player to experience the conflicts posed by the story-driven system, which facilitates emotional immersion beyond the cognitive experience, thus confirming that the video game is a powerful medium for promoting a humanist position.
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