Colombian Media in the XXI Century: The Re-conquest by Foreign Investment


  • Germán Arango-Forero Autor La Sabana University
  • María Fernanda Arango Autor La Sabana University
  • Laura Llaña Autor La Sabana University
  • María Carolina Serrano Autor La Sabana University


Colombia, foreign investment, media markets, telecommunications, multinational communication enterprises.


DOI: 10.5294/pacla.2010.13.1.4

This paper summarizes and examines the more relevant financial investments, mergers and acquisitions carried out in the Colombian media market by major international groups during the first decade of the 21st century. In a highly unprecedented environment and within a period of only ten years, an important share of Colombia’s leading media companies passed into the hands of foreign firms that remain attracted to the country, given the size of the market, the potential for growth in the different sectors and the policies on foreign direct investment being stimulated and protected by the national government in the field of media content distribution and telecommunication service delivery. The Spanish groups Planeta, Prisa and Telefónica, and Telmex from Mexico have become the main players in this phenomenon, which is known as The Re-conquest. DOI: 10.5294/pacla.2010.13.1.4


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Biografia do Autor

Germán Arango-Forero, La Sabana University

PhD Student. Associate professor. School of Communication. La Sabana University, Colombia.

María Fernanda Arango, La Sabana University

Audiovisual and Multimedia Communication student. School of Communication. La Sabana University.

Laura Llaña, La Sabana University

Audiovisual and Multimedia Communication student. School of Communication. La Sabana University.

María Carolina Serrano, La Sabana University

Chief of Internationalization and communication. International school of economic and administrative sciences. La Sabana University.

Como Citar

Arango-Forero, G., Arango, M. F., Llaña, L., & Serrano, M. C. (2010). Colombian Media in the XXI Century: The Re-conquest by Foreign Investment. Palabra Clave, 13(1). Recuperado de



Economía y gestión de medios