Communicating for the Common Good. The Strategic Approach of Communications for Sustainability in Ecuador, Colombia, and Chile
Communications, sustainable development, organization, management, information and communicationAbstract
This study aimed to describe and analyze social responsibility communications management at large companies in Ecuador, Colombia, and Chile and contribute empirical observations to understand sustainability management in Latin America better. The study followed a quantitative approach and conducted a survey based on the Communications and Sustainability Convergence Model. The survey was administered to 96 executives in the three countries, who were asked to rate their practices in these two dimensions. Notwithstanding the limitations associated with survey respondents self-evaluating their practices, we found that most of the companies surveyed categorize their communications and sustainability management as more strategic than tactical and that their practices fit within a scenario known as the Common Good, which aims at creating a triple social, economic and environmental value. However, conceptual differences emerge when understanding sustainability and where it should be focused within the organization. Further research is recommended to help achieve a consensus on the concept of sustainability and how it can be implemented through communications initiatives that benefit both organizations and the communities in which they operate.
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