Brand Communities on Instagram: Study of the Strategies of the World’s Best Universities




Content analysis, comparative analysis, interactive communication, community, social networks, social media, university


Social media, including Instagram, favor the construction of university communities beyond the campus due to their audiovisual nature and consolidation as communication tools in the educational field. Thus, the main objective is to analyze the strategies implemented on the platform by the top five world universities according to the Shanghai Ranking to determine the actions aimed at promoting an intentional community and assess the impact caused by them in the real-life community. For this research, a quantitative and qualitative methodology was chosen, performing an impact analysis of the profiles using the Fanpage Karma tool and a content analysis of the semiotics of discourse with Excel and SPSS statistical software. We examined 394 posts by the Universities of Harvard, Stanford, Cambridge, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and California Berkeley between September 1 and December 31, 2021, the first three months of the academic year typical to the United States and the United Kingdom. The results show a non-proportional relationship between post frequency and impact and the existence of shared semiotic variables on which the message is based. However, a dichotomy is found between the actions of North American universities and the British one, reflecting the influence of idiosyncratic factors on the design of social media strategy.


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Author Biographies

Belén Moreno-Albarracín, Universidad de Málaga

Research Staff in Training with a University Teacher Training Contract (FPU) at the University of Malaga, Spain. PhD candidate in the Interuniversity Doctorate in Communication program of the universities of Cádiz, Huelva, Málaga and Seville. Member of the Advanced Audiovisual Content research group (SEJ-435) and participant in the research project UMA20-FEDERJA-004 "Citizen participation in Andalusia through digital channels: study of the adaptation to the law of citizen participation and proposals for improvements".

My main research interests are advertising communication, with special emphasis on branded content, organizational communication and brand identity.

Tania Blanco-Sánchez, Universidad de Extremadura

Doctor in Audiovisual Communication and Advertising from the University of Extremadura and a degree in Journalism from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Professor of the Department of Information and Communication at the University of Extremadura. She is part of the research group SEJ003 - COMMUNICATION AREA.

Her main research interest is organizational communication.


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How to Cite

Moreno-Albarracín, B., & Blanco-Sánchez, T. (2023). Brand Communities on Instagram: Study of the Strategies of the World’s Best Universities. Palabra Clave, 25(4), e2545.


