Hacia una teoría crítica de la razón algorítmica





Algorithms, critical theory, sociology of communication, digitalism, technology philosophy, cultural sociology, artificial intelligence


Towards a Critical Theory of Algorithmic Reason

Por uma teoria crítica da razão algorítmica

This article starts from the theoretical review of algorithmic literature to outline the core themes of a critical theory. In the dichotomy between describing the world using macrodata and prescribing preset behaviors after analyzing big data, algorithmic reason may give rise to closed communication systems that simplify and standardize our practices. In accordance with an essay and philosophical method that binds the form and substance of criticism together, the dimensions for a reflective theory of algorithms concern three fundamental facets: a) abstraction, mathematical encryption, and calculation; b) performative algorithm-induced passivity, and c) invisible, impersonal power. So, the major contribution of the article is the discussion of the constraints arising from algorithmic technologies. The emphasis on a critical theory of technology becomes all the more relevant as digital devices normalize as intermediaries in various fields of human activity. Therefore, it is about problematizing technology as the basis of everyday behaviors and decisions from a theoretical perspective. The article intends to continue judging technology based on authors such as those belonging to the Frankfurt School or Lewis Mumford and Jacques Ellul in the field of technology itself, as well as current digitalism critics, such as Cathy O’Neil, Evgeny Morozov, or Nicholas Carr.

Para citar este artículo / to reference this article / para citar este artigo

Fernández-Vicente, A. (2020). Hacia una teoría crítica de la razón algorítmica. Palabra Clave, 23(2), e2322. https://doi.org/10.5294/pacla.2020.23.2.2

Recibido: 22/04/2019

Aceptado: 04/07/2019

Publicado: 03/03/2020


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Author Biography

Antonio Fernández-Vicente, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Doctor en filosofía de la comunicación por la Universidad de Murcia (2007). Profesor de Teoría de la Comunicación, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha


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How to Cite

Fernández-Vicente, A. (2020). Hacia una teoría crítica de la razón algorítmica. Palabra Clave, 23(2), e2322. https://doi.org/10.5294/pacla.2020.23.2.2


