Percepciones de la audiencia respecto del uso del melodrama en noticias por televisión: entre el entusiasmo y el desprecio




Melodrama, news, news flow, television, reception, disasters.


Audience Perceptions of the Use of Melodrama in News Programs: Between Enthusiasm and Contempt

Percepções do público com relação ao uso do melodrama em notícias por televisão: entre o entusiasmo e o desprezo

In Latin America, news programs frequently leverage melodramatic resources: targeting of personal stories, exacerbation of emotions, use of rhetorical figures, close-ups, dramatic music, among others. This phenomenon tends to be criticized by experts, professionals, and members of the audience who associate melodrama with sensationalism or the coverage of irrelevant events. This article presents the results of two studies carried out in Chile using qualitative methods (focus groups, in the first case, and in-depth interviews, in the second). They aimed to explore the audience’s perceptions of the use of melodramatic resources in the Chilean open television news and the characteristics they value and reject, and find differences in such perception regarding informative coverage of highly emotional news, such as disasters. The results show mixed perceptions, between criticism and optimism, as the participants in both studies highlight that, while excess melodrama bothers them, its inclusion in news programs develops empathy and moves them to action. As to the coverage of disasters, stories are perceived differently between those affected and not affected by their consequences.

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Mujica, C.Grassau, D.Bachmann, I.Herrada, N.Flores, P. M. y Puente, S. (2020). Percepciones de la audiencia respecto del uso del melodrama en noticias por televisión: entre el entusiasmo y el desprecio. Palabra Clave, 23(4), e2341.

Recibido: 14/03/2019

Aceptado: 28/08/2019

Publicado: 06/10/2020

Financiación: los datos presentados en este artículo fueron obtenidos en el marco del Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico de Chile (Fondecyt), proyectos 1170725 y 1150379 (estudio A) y proyecto 1150310 (estudio B).


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Author Biographies

Constanza Mujica, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Profesor Asociado de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Periodista y Doctor en Literatura de la misma universidad.

Daniela Grassau, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Periodista de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Magíster en Comunicación Social de la Universidad de Chile y actual doctorando en Sociología en la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.


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How to Cite

Mujica, C., Grassau, D., Bachmann, I., Herrada, N., Flores, P. M., & Puente, S. (2020). Percepciones de la audiencia respecto del uso del melodrama en noticias por televisión: entre el entusiasmo y el desprecio. Palabra Clave, 23(4), e2341.


