Modelo e indicadores de masculinidad igualitaria en la ficción televisiva gallega: caso de Fontealba y Serramoura de Televisión de Galicia




Gender, masculinity, fiction, television, television programmes, television serials, social class, broadcasting programmes, Galicia, Spain, Fontealba, Serramoura


Egalitarian Masculinity Model and Indicators in Galician TV Fiction: The Case of Televisión de Galicia’s Fontealba and Serramoura

Modelo e indicadores de masculinidade igualitária na ficção televisiva galega: caso de Fontealba e Serramoura de Televisión de Galicia

From television studies, fiction set in the receiver’s contemporary reality is a privileged opportunity to consolidate social regulations, but also to make latest trends visible. In order contribute to the field of masculinity studies, this article analyzes two successful dramatic series of Television de Galicia (TVG) in 2017 as proximity stories that could represent new alternative masculinities to the traditional model. For this, the type of masculinity prevailing in these TV productions has been evaluated by analyzing the characterization and social interactions of their main male characters. The applied method has included in-depth reading and mapping of paradigmatic relationships among characters, together with multivariable content analysis that showed correlations between characters’ age and social class and the type of masculinity. Results hold greater affinity with hegemonic masculinity as the power exercised by the character in the public or labor spheres increases. A correlation between social class and masculinity model is established, but not for the age variable. And although different approaches to more egalitarian masculinity models are depicted, the characters that embody them dissociate themselves from the labor sphere as a key element of identity construction. All this leads to conclude that, despite the growing diversity in the representation of masculinities in the TV shows concerned, the patriarchal model defined from the public sphere remains hegemonic.

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Pichel, A.Gómez-Puertas, L. y Medina, P. (2019). Modelo e indicadores de masculinidad igualitaria en la ficción televisiva gallega: caso de Fontealba y Serramoura de Televisión de Galicia. Palabra Clave22(3), e2239. DOI:

Recibido: 14/03/2018

Aceptado: 21/09/2018


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Author Biographies

Alexandre Pichel Vázquez, Universidad Pompeu Fabra

Master International Studies on Media, Power & Difference, Universidad Pompeu Fabra Barcelona (España), 2017. 

Grado en Ciencias Políticas y de la Administración, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (España), 2016.

Lorena Gómez-Puertas, Universidad Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona)

Dra. Lorena Gómez-Puertas

Doctora en Comunicación Social con Mención Internacional y Licenciada en Comunicación Audiovisual. 

Actualmente Profesora Lectora del Departamento de Comunicación de la Universidad Pompeu Fabra Barcelona (España). Miembro del grupo MEDIUM (UPF).

Pilar Medina Bravo, Universidad Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona)

Dra. Pilar Medina-Bravo

Doctora en Psicología. 
Actualmente Profesora Agregada del Departamento de Comunicación de la Universidad Pompeu Fabra Barcelona (España). Miembro del grupo CRITICC (UPF)


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How to Cite

Pichel Vázquez, A., Gómez-Puertas, L., & Medina Bravo, P. (2019). Modelo e indicadores de masculinidad igualitaria en la ficción televisiva gallega: caso de Fontealba y Serramoura de Televisión de Galicia. Palabra Clave, 22(3).


