A Model Analysis of Fictional TV Series Reception: The Role of Affective Reactions and Beliefs





Television, fiction, belief, audience reaction, emotional reaction, North American series, Spanish series


Un modelo de análisis de la recepción de series de ficción: el papel de las reacciones afectivas y las creencias

Um modelo de análise da recepção de séries de ficção: o papel das reações afetivas e crenças

The aim of this paper has been to inquire into what viewers’ beliefs are towards television shows and the affective reactions they elicit. The beliefs considered refer to aspects such as dialogs, plots, actors, characters, originality and variety, complexity, morality and quality. Regarding affective reactions towards TV series, they include cultural closeness, personal resonance, cognitive elaboration and general attitude. The method used consisted in the exhaustive analysis of ten television shows, five Spanish (Aída, Cuéntame, El internado, Águila Roja and Física o Química) and five North American (CSI, Friends, House, Desperate Housewives and Lost) using information from a telephone survey of 1,000 people. Results indicate that beliefs influence perceived quality. The most relevant aspects are dialogs, plots, actors and characters. In relation to affective reactions, the three elements considered (cultural closeness, personal resonance and cognitive elaboration) are hardly related to the general attitude towards or preference for the TV series. Conclusions show that perceived quality is determined by the combination of the various factors considered and that there is no single configuration that gives rise to a positive perception of quality. The article’s original contribution to the literature lies in the presentation and application of a theoretical model that allows to determine in detail the beliefs and attitudes of viewers towards fictional television shows.

Para citar este artículo / to reference this article / para citar este artigo

Etayo, C. (2019). Un modelo de análisis de la recepción de series de ficción: el papel de las reacciones afectivas y las creencias. Palabra Clave 22(1), e2214. DOI: 10.5294/pacla.2019.22.1.4


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Author Biography

Cristina Etayo, Universidad de Navarra

Profesora Titular

Dpto. Empresa Informativa
Facultad de Comunicación


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How to Cite

Etayo, C. (2019). A Model Analysis of Fictional TV Series Reception: The Role of Affective Reactions and Beliefs. Palabra Clave, 22(1). https://doi.org/10.5294/pacla.2019.22.1.4


