Legacy Media: A Case for Creative Destruction?


  • Francisco Pérez-Latre Author Universidad de Navarra


Legacy media, journalism, media management, media ecology, journalistic practice. (Source, Unesco Thesaurus).


igital media have transformed the journalistic profession in decisive ways, so much so that journalism has become fuzzy and its borders and standards have been blurred. In this theoretical, narrative paper, we look at some implications of the process for media management, as organizations try to cope with a new kind of media ecology. The digital transformation has brought to light concerns about responsibility and standards that spark a healthy debate about the future of "legacy media," with interesting precedents in the past.


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How to Cite

Pérez-Latre, F. (2014). Legacy Media: A Case for Creative Destruction?. Palabra Clave, 17(4). Retrieved from https://palabraclave.unisabana.edu.co/index.php/palabraclave/article/view/4283