¿Medios y periodistas, arrollados por una corriente de opinión?


  • Carlos Alfonso Velásquez R. Author Universidad de La Sabana


Public opinion, opinion flowing, opinion climate, opinion vote.


In this article is analysed the reasons why it could have happen the victory of Alvaro Uribe Velez during the first round in the past presidential campaign in Colombia. Starting from concepts such as opinion climate and opinion flowing, embraced with various political and social facts ocurred during the last year in Colombia, the author reconstructs the appearance of an Anti-Farc flowing inside public opinion. That would later gie a hint to the enforcement of a Pro-Uribe flowing, that would finally take this candidate to win in the caskets. The text furniches, also, a complementary sight to the observed facts in the research made by the Area de Periodismo de la Facultad de Comunicacion Social y Periodismo de la Universidad de La Sabana, which is published in this same number of Palabra Clave.


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Author Biography

Carlos Alfonso Velásquez R., Universidad de La Sabana

Docente del área de Comunicación Pública de la facultad de Comunicación Social y Periodismo en las materias de Seminario de Problemas Colombianos y Análisis de Coyunturas. Es coronel retirado del Ejército colombiano, especialista en Estado Mayor y Estrategia, y master en Estudios Políticos.

How to Cite

Velásquez R., C. A. (2009). ¿Medios y periodistas, arrollados por una corriente de opinión?. Palabra Clave, 6. Retrieved from https://palabraclave.unisabana.edu.co/index.php/palabraclave/article/view/391