April 14, The Republic: the Spanish intra-history seen from the TV fiction


  • Mar Chicharro-Merayo Author Centro de Estudios Superiores Felipe II, Universidad Complutense de Madrid


Soap Opera, Socialization, TV Message, Women, TV Images


This article looks in greater detail at the educational role of the TV media.It is based on the assumption that the TV narrative is capable of providingits audiences with structures of interpretation on the surrounding reality.More specifically, some of its products, although well situated in terms offiction, present explanatory readings on the Spanish society, present andfuture. From there, it is explicitly expressed in the study of the soap operaentitled April 14, the Republic. Inserted in the macro-genre of melodrama,it features a discourse adapted to the cultural characteristics of its target audience.Its relationship with other texts, as well as the use it makes of emotionaland realistic strategies, enables it to get closer to the audience. Theanalysis of this text allows identifying the semantic keystones according towhich the future of the Spanish society, presented in sentimental key butalso ideological, is outlined. The characterizations of the world of labor, therural and urban space, as well as the figure of women are some of the aspectsemphasized by this text.


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Author Biography

Mar Chicharro-Merayo, Centro de Estudios Superiores Felipe II, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Profesora de Sociología y Teoría de la Comunicación en el Centro de Estudios Superiores Felipe II, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.



How to Cite

Chicharro-Merayo, M. (2012). April 14, The Republic: the Spanish intra-history seen from the TV fiction. Palabra Clave, 15(3), 505–523. Retrieved from https://palabraclave.unisabana.edu.co/index.php/palabraclave/article/view/2531