Cartography of Media Consumption in Ecuador: From Mediations and Hyper-mediations to an Ultra-mediated Society




Convergence, media ecology, hyper-mediation, internet, media, ultra-mediation


The phenomenon of ultra-mediations is made up of the evolution of media ecology, convergence, and hyper-mediation, all constituted based on technology and the human being as the architect of its development. Just as in economic theory, in ultra-mediations, networks generate behavioral patterns and interactions influence the results of coordination and cooperation. So, a diversity of actions is sustainable with certain network structures, but not with others; Therefore, people function as nodes due to differences in their connections and their history will depend on the network to which they belong. This research addresses the bases of ultra-mediations and, subsequently, analyzes how Ecuador integrates into this phenomenon through the exploration of variables collected in the 2019 Multiple Purpose Survey and the 2022 Employment Survey of the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INEC). It is concluded that, in Ecuador, the pandemic reduced the gap in the use of social networks; which can be interpreted as a better assimilation and participation of connections between nodes and users in ultra-mediations; However, Internet penetration remains the first obstacle to creating more egalitarian development.


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How to Cite

López-Paredes, M., & Carrillo-Andrade, A. (2024). Cartography of Media Consumption in Ecuador: From Mediations and Hyper-mediations to an Ultra-mediated Society. Palabra Clave, 27(1), e2712.

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