Is Artificial Intelligence Really Artificial? An interpretation of the Concept of Intelligence from the Notions of Extension and Connectivity
Artificial intelligence, algorithms, intelligence, ChatGPT, media ecologyAbstract
This paper aims to present a critique of the expression artificial intelligence (AI), pointing out possible inadequacies and aporias. For this, it considers some possibilities of rereading AI from the notion of human extension (M. McLuhan) and, above all, the idea of connectivity (M. Di Felice), here conceived as the ability of human and non-human elements to establish connections in an ecosystem. From this perspective, in the context of stochastic technologies such as ChatGPT, an intelligent system would be capable of expanding its connections and, therefore, continuously transforming itself: thus, instead of noise or sources of instability, the changes generated by new connections would act as decisive and even necessary elements for the system’s learning.
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