The Development of Online Series Produced by End Users: The Case of Video Blog Fiction


  • Patricia Diego-González Author Universidad de Navarra
  • Mónica Herrero-Subías Author Facultad de Comunicación, Universidad de Navarra


Television series, Internet, web series, video blog, user-generated content.


The objective of this article is to analyze the process whereby user-generated content is produced and subsequently shown on television. The commercial possibilities for these products are examined, based on the economics of user-generated content, and their process of creation and development is examined. A brief overview of the origin, production and distribution of online series in Spain is provided by the authors, prior to focusing on the Spanish series Que Vida Màs Triste (What a Sad Life), which originated on the Internet, where the first three seasons were shown. From 2008 to 2010, the commercial network La Sexta carried the series as part of its conventional programming and collected four more seasons.


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Author Biographies

Patricia Diego-González, Universidad de Navarra

Doctora. Profesora, Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, España.

Mónica Herrero-Subías, Facultad de Comunicación, Universidad de Navarra

Doctora. Decana, Facultad de Comunicación, Universidad de Navarra,
Pamplona, España.



How to Cite

Diego-González, P., & Herrero-Subías, M. (2011). The Development of Online Series Produced by End Users: The Case of Video Blog Fiction. Palabra Clave, 13(2). Retrieved from