Corporate Storytelling: A Critical Review of Research Approaches and Methods in Scholarly Literature from 2011 to 2020




Communication, communication strategies, business management, interdisciplinary research, short stories


Scholars from different fields of knowledge agree that storytelling has gained particular relevance in the current context, as noted in Corporate Communication. The term “corporate storytelling” has already been coined to refer to the stories that companies tell their stakeholders. We have found several studies that try to shed light on the nature, scope, and limitations of storytelling in the corporate world from different approaches and methods. This research presents a critical review of this literature. It highlights that the absence of conceptual unity and methodological approaches validated by the scientific community has made storytelling a topic about which much has been written without offering articulated knowledge or practical solutions for its application to develop a company’s communication strategy.


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Author Biography

Tomás Atarama-Rojas, Universidad de Piura

Doctor en Comunicación y Magister Académico en Comunicación por la Universidad de los Andes (Chile). Máster en Creación de Guiones Audiovisuales por la Universidad Internacional de la Rioja (España). Licenciado en Comunicación y Bachiller en Filosofía por la Universidad de Piura (Perú). Director de la Carrera de Comunicación Audiovisual, docente e investigador en la Facultad de Comunicación de la Universidad de Piura. 


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How to Cite

Atarama-Rojas, T., Robledo-Dioses, K., & López-Hermida Russo, A. (2022). Corporate Storytelling: A Critical Review of Research Approaches and Methods in Scholarly Literature from 2011 to 2020. Palabra Clave, 25(2), e2522.


