The Blogosphere and YouTube as Spaces for the Exhibition of Interactive Audiovisual Products


  • Catalina Mier Author Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja
  • Denis Porto-Renó Author Universidad Metodista de São Paulo


Communication, interactive cinema, blogosphere, audiovisual narratives, Internet, new digital technologies.


Increasing use is being made of the virtual space of the blogosphere and YouTube to exhibit and circulate videos. These spaces allow for democratizing the exhibition of audiovisual content, as well as the condition of interactivity in the construction of programming at a personal level or by the users. Of course, there are certain esthetic production formats for these audiovisual products, where the screens and the audio and visual constraints are fundamental. The article refl ects on YouTube as a space for circulating the contents of Miradas, a program produced by the Vía Comunicaciones Research Center. It analyzes the esthetic constraints found in a television program when it is shown on the Web, as well as a proposal for the production of an interactive documentary fi lm for the blogosphere. The study is supported, in particular, by the concepts of Vilches (2003) and Manovich (2005).


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Author Biographies

Catalina Mier, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja

Comunicadora social. Doctoranda en Comunicación. Profesora, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Ecuador.

Denis Porto-Renó, Universidad Metodista de São Paulo

Periodista y documentalista. Magíster y doctorando en Comunicación Social. Investigador, Universidad Metodista de São Paulo, Brasil.

How to Cite

Mier, C., & Porto-Renó, D. (2010). The Blogosphere and YouTube as Spaces for the Exhibition of Interactive Audiovisual Products. Palabra Clave, 12(2). Retrieved from