Serialización de la ficción televisiva: el género policiaco español y la narrativa compleja. Cadenas generalistas (1990-2010)
Serialization, television programmes, television serials, Spanish fiction, crime fiction, police novel, complex narrative, Spain.Abstract
Serialized TV Fiction: The Spanish Crime Genre and Complex Narrative. Generalist Networks (1990–2010)
Serialização da ficção televisiva: o gênero policial espanhol e a narrativa complexa. Canais generalistas (1990-2010)
This paper studies the 36 TV crime shows of the Spanish generalist channels (1990–2010) through a narrative analysis based on the hypothesis that the observed changes are related to foreign influences and will be decisive for contemporary serial narrative. It intends to determine if and how the procedural format has evolved into melancholic cop-opera and the interrelation with the modernization of TV stories. The results show that the structure of procedural drama no longer hinders serialization, that analepsis as a way of solving cases brings together procedural drama and series, and that cop-opera remains a genre on the rise in contemporary TV fiction, providing numerous titles to new and old platforms. These findings confirm the hypothesis suggested. The serialization of police drama, the sophistication in the use of narrative and visual resources, and the apparent influence of foreign productions determine the evolution of the analyzed period, as corroborated by generic and format hybridization, the forensic subgenre, and narrative resources. Serialization coincides with the establishment of the genre in Spain during the second decade analyzed (2000–2010). The visual fragmentation of the plot accentuates a postmodern narrative. Police drama reflects an increasingly homogeneous narrative between Spanish and American fiction, such as La casa de papel (Netflix, 2017–). Temporary alterations and story fragmentation produce mosaic-like fictions, and narrative transformations increase the engagement of a more active viewer.
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Tous-Rovirosa, A., Hidalgo-Mari, T. y Morales-Morante, F. (2020). Serialización de la ficción televisiva: el género policiaco español y la narrativa compleja. Cadenas generalistas (1990-2010). Palabra Clave, 23(4), e2342.
Recibido: 19/03/2019
Aceptado: 19/07/2019
Publicado: 06/10/2020
Financiación: este artículo ha sido elaborado en el marco del proyecto “Historia de la programación y programas de ficción televisiva en España (cadenas de ámbito estatal): de la desregulación al apagón analógico, 1990-2010” (CSO2015-66260-C4-4-P), financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Los datos de la producción de ficción española entre 2008 y 2010 proceden de los respectivos informes elaborados por el equipo español del Observatorio Iberoamericano de la Ficción Televisiva (Obitel).
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