El Estado reproduce la fantasía infantil: “Soñemos”, de Luis César Amadori, Argentina, 1951





History of cinema, mass communication, political communication, propaganda, imagination, childhood


The State Reproduces the Children’s Fantasy Soñemos by Luis César Amadori, Argentina, 1951

O Estado reproduz a fantasia infantil: Soñemos, de Luis César Amadori, Argentina, 1951

During the early administrations of Juan Domingo Perón (1946-1952), the Press and Dissemination Secretariat made films to praise projects promoted by the Government. As part of this communication policy, Luis César Amadori directed the medium-length film Soñemos (1951) that shows the facilities of Ciudad Infantil, a children’s home inaugurated by the Eva Perón Foundation in 1948. This paper intends to describe and analyze the aesthetic choices of this film, based on the hypothesis that the main features of state communication in the period are condensed in this audiovisual piece, due to the scale-down used for presenting this miniature society. From the methodological point of view, we focused on two rhetorical features, understood as a formal correlative of ideological features: miniaturization and imitation. The article concludes that scale-down made it possible to materialize an urban utopia but also showed its limits: a temporary boundary for the containment of children and a spatial one for the city whose production sources were excluded. Furthermore, imitation is outlined as an aesthetic preference of the poor represented by Peronism. It was about giving them the same luxury that the rich enjoyed and not a new lifestyle, as the avant-garde proposed. Both the autonomy of geopolitical blocs proposed by Peronism and the ability to reproduce this model in the future remain unresolved.

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Varela, M. (2019). El Estado reproduce la fantasía infantil: “Soñemos”, de Luis César Amadori, Argentina, 1951. Palabra Clave, 22(4), e2249. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5294/pacla.2019.22.4.9

Recibido: 21/02/2019

Aceptado: 04/06/2019

Publicado en línea: 18/09/2019


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Author Biography

Mirta Varela, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas - Universidad de Buenos Aires

Investigadora Independiente CONICET

Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani

Facultad de Ciencias Sociales

Universidad de Buenos Aires


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How to Cite

Varela, M. (2019). El Estado reproduce la fantasía infantil: “Soñemos”, de Luis César Amadori, Argentina, 1951. Palabra Clave, 22(4). https://doi.org/10.5294/pacla.2019.22.4.9