Investigación y comunicación


  • Álvaro Mendoza Ramírez Autor Universidad de La Sabana


In the past the University was the centre of human progress, as it gathered together the researchers and the thinkers in concrete physical fields and because it facilitated the intercommunication between them and the harmonic progress of their sciences. This circumstance, which converted the universities in development centres, is being lost with a technical progress standing aside the university community, detached from the humanism, in the laboratories of the State and the enterprise, stimulated only by the political or economical success urge. Today the university has in front the challenge to recover a position of vanguard in the science as it has available intercommunicable research possibilities, which are supported in all the human knowledge, through technical means placed at their disposal. This investigation must necessarily be an interuniversity one and it is based in the communication between the researchers.


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Biografia do Autor

Álvaro Mendoza Ramírez, Universidad de La Sabana

Rector de la Universidad de La Sabana; abogado del Colegio Mayor del Rosario; doctor en Derecho Canónico de la Universidad Javeriana; doctor en Derecho Privado de la Universidad de París; especializado en Derecho Penal en la Universitá degli Studi (Roma); economista de la misma Universidad. Profesor universitario por veintinueve años; miembro del Consejo Superior de la Universidad de La Sabana desde su fundación; expresidente y exdirectivo y asesor de varias entidades financieras; abogado consultor, por cerca de veinte años, de varios escritos de carácter jurídico.

Como Citar

Mendoza Ramírez, Álvaro. (2009). Investigación y comunicación. Palabra Clave, 1. Recuperado de


