The New Laws of New Media and the Re-shaping of the Environment




Exaptation, media ecology, Marshall McLuhan, information and communications technology, ICT, communication impact, attitude change


Las nuevas leyes de los nuevos medios y la reconfiguración del entorno

As novas leis das novas mídias e a reconfiguração do entorno

This article aims to reflectively and analytically explore the relationship between information and communication technologies (ICT) and the re-shaping of the environment in the imaginary of media ecology. For this purpose, the method used is the theoretical review of concepts such as exaptation from evolutionary biology, passing through the development and evolution of media and technologies and highlighting the importance of the science-technology-society trinomial. ICTs facilitate the process of exaptation in contemporary societies, encouraging individuals to discover new possibilities for development and new forms of knowledge. Since the sixties, the importance of the study of media as instruments with unique characteristics has been underlined since they affect society for their design, form and structure. When a technology, medium or instrument successfully breaks into a society, it redefines it deeply. But the process of adaptation is not enough to explain the complexity of technological changes. Therefore, the concept of exaptation incorporated into the imaginary of media ecology helps to understand the evolutionary transformation of beings and technologies beyond their specific environments. The original contribution of this article lies in the incorporation of the concept of exaptation to the theoretical and conceptual imaginary of communicology, specifically media ecology. In this way, exaptation makes it possible to assess the relevance of Marshall and Eric McLuhan’s tetrad of media effects.

Para citar este artículo / to reference this article / para citar este artigo

Gutiérrez-Cortés, F.Islas-Carmona, O. y Arribas-Urrutia, A. (2019). Las nuevas leyes de los nuevos medios y la reconfiguración del entorno. Palabra Clave, 22(2), e2229. DOI: 10.5294/pacla.2019.22.2.9

Recibido: 16/01/2018

Aceptado: 09/04/2018


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Author Biographies

Fernando Gutiérrez Cortés, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Estado de México

Director de la División de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades del Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Estado de México.

Miembro del Consejo Directivo de la Media Ecology Association (MEA).

Coordinador General de "The World Internet Project" para México. Académico de Número de la Academia Mexicana de la Comunicación A.C

Octavio Islas Carmona, Universidad de Los Hemisferios

Director del Centro de Altos Estudios en Internet y Sociedad de la Información, Universidad de los Hemisferios, Quito, Ecuador.
Fundador de la revista web Razón y Palabra: 
Miembro del Grupo Hacia una Ingeniería en Comunicación (GICOM).
Presidente de la Cátedra Itinerante de Nueva Teoría Estratégica (CiNTE).
Director de la Cátedra Julian Assange de Tecnopolítica y Cultura, CIESPAL.
Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (SNI) México, Nivel II.

Amaia Arribas Urrutia, Universidad de Los Hemisferios

Investigadora en el Departamento de Comunicación.

Directora de Comunicación Institucional de la Universidad de Los Hemisferios.

Directora del Proyecto World Internet Project en Ecuador.


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McLuhan, M. (1998). La Galaxia Gutenberg. Génesis del homo typographicus. Barcelona: Círculo de Lectores.

McLuhan, M. (1996). Comprender los medios de comunicación. Las extensiones del ser humano. Barcelona: Paidós.

Nystrom, C. (1973). Towards a science of media ecology: The formulation of integrated conceptual paradigms for the study of human communication Systems (Doctoral Dissertation). New York University.

Postman, N. (1993). Technopoly: The surrender of culture to technology. New York: Vintage Books.

Toffler, A. & Toffler, H. (2006). La Revolución de la Riqueza. Barcelona: Deusto.



How to Cite

Gutiérrez Cortés, F., Islas Carmona, O., & Arribas Urrutia, A. (2019). The New Laws of New Media and the Re-shaping of the Environment. Palabra Clave, 22(2).


