Research on Communications Technology in Latin America: A Critical Analysis of the Literature (2005-2015)




Communication, technology, communication technology, information technology, theory, methodology


La investigación sobre tecnología de la comunicación en América Latina: un análisis crítico de la literatura (2005-2015)

A pesquisa sobre tecnologia da comunicação na América Latina: uma análise crítica da literatura (2005-2015)

This article analyzes a sample of articles on communications technology published by Latin American journals. We selected the most cited journals in the field of communication from different parts of Latin America (North, Central and South America) and identified each article published in Spanish on technology. We encoded 712 articles published in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico and Venezuela. We analyzed the types of technology studied, the focus on the production or use of technology, the study of the material or symbolic dimension of technology, the levels of analysis adopted, the theories used, and the research methods implemented. Our findings point to important knowledge gaps and promising paths of research into technology in the region. This type of critical analysis is crucial to theorizing because it allows to empirically explore the myths and realities that have accompanied the study and development of communications technologies in the region.

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Siles, I.Espinoza, J. y Méndez, A. (2019). La investigación sobre tecnología de comunicación en América Latina: Un análisis crítico de la literatura (2005-2015). Palabra Clave 22(1), e2212. DOI: 10.5294/pacla.2019.22.1.2


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Author Biography

Ignacio Siles, Escuela de Comunicación, Universidad de Costa Rica

Profesor catedrático, Escuela de Comunicación, Universidad de Costa Rica. PhD en Medios, Tecnología y Sociedad (Northwestern University, EE.UU.). M.Sc. en Comunicación (Universidad de Montreal, Canadá).


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How to Cite

Siles, I., Espinoza Rojas, J., & Méndez Marenco, A. (2019). Research on Communications Technology in Latin America: A Critical Analysis of the Literature (2005-2015). Palabra Clave, 22(1).


