From Layout to Transmedia Narrative: A Review of the Concept of "News Design"



Design, journalistic design, layout, web design, narrative, interaction


News design exists, but it is not the same as it was before, and neither is journalism. e purpose of this paper is to explain the concept of news de- sign from a perspective that includes recent changes and definitions of theoretical and professional experts. As a transversal discipline, it affects a wide variety of visualizations in many different media: newspaper design, magazine design, web design, etc.; even news design plays a role that changes quickly and includes new elements. What used to be typography, images, color, and composition is now complemented by sound, videos, and interaction. More specifically, none of them constitute news design by them- selves, but all of them together contribute to the way we all communicate in our daily tasks.


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Author Biographies

Laura González-Díez, Universidad CEU San Pablo

Universidad CEU San Pablo

Departamento de Comunicación Audiovisual y Publicidad

Facultad de Humanidades y CC. de la Comunicación

Pº Juan XXIII, 6. 28040 Madrid

Despacho 1. 2ª planta.

Belén Puebla-Martínez, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Belén Puebla Martínez

Departamento de CC. de la Comunicación y Sociología

Despacho 243, Departamental 1, Campus de Fuenlabrada 28943 Madrid

Telf: 914887305


Pedro Pérez-Cuadrado, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Departamento de CC. de la Comunicación y Sociología

Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación. Campus de Fuenlabrada

Camino del Molino s/n. 28943 Fuenlabrada (Madrid)

Edificio departamental, despacho 205



How to Cite

González-Díez, L., Puebla-Martínez, B., & Pérez-Cuadrado, P. (2018). From Layout to Transmedia Narrative: A Review of the Concept of "News Design". Palabra Clave, 21(2), 445–468. Retrieved from


