Lecciones para aprender del cubrimiento de hechos violentos


  • Liliana María Gutiérrez Coba Author Universidad de La Sabana


violence, disgusting images, pressure to obtain information, non-precise language, not clear information, journalism behavior criteria


This article is based on the first advances taken from an information quality research, made by the Journalism Section of the Social Communications School at La Sabana University. For such research we have selected –as an example- the journalism work made by the Colombian principal TV news programs about the outrage on El Nogal Club, at Bogotá. The article tends to incite the good things and show the bad ones about those transmissions, in order to hardly look for solutions. Therefore, the writer focuses on three aspects: showing disgusting images, pressure on the victims or their relatives to obtain information, and use of confusing expressions. For each aspect the writer marks either skills and mistakes made by the mass media, in order to suggest the establishment of some behavior criteria regarding the coverage of violent facts, so the journalists can also have enough elements to measure their work quality.


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Author Biography

Liliana María Gutiérrez Coba, Universidad de La Sabana

Profesora de Entrevista, jefe del Área de Periodismo y editora de la revista Palabra Clave en la Facultad de Comunicación Social y Periodismo de la Universidad de La Sabana, de la cual es egresada. Doctora en Ciencias de la información de la Universidad del País Vasco (España). Fue jefe de Comunicaciones y Mercadeo de la Cámara Colombiana del Libro, entidad organizadora de la Feria Internacional del Libro de Bogotá, y periodista de El Espectador.

How to Cite

Gutiérrez Coba, L. M. (2009). Lecciones para aprender del cubrimiento de hechos violentos. Palabra Clave, 8. Retrieved from https://palabraclave.unisabana.edu.co/index.php/palabraclave/article/view/412