El estado y la televisión


  • María Teresa Garcés Lloreda Author Consejo de Estado


Freedom of speech has a lot of enemies. On one side, the economic interests and competence which lead to frivolous news; on the other side, the manipulation of news treatment which impedes pluralism and, finally, the profit-making character which moves the media over the public interest. That is why the State, as the representative of the society, has an immense responsibility in front of communication mass media over the public interest. That is why the State, as the representative of the society, has an immense responsibility in front of communication mas media environment which has the greatest impact in today's world. This article points out the following aspects; the financing of television; the relations between politics and television; the care of children in respect to television programs; television and public order, etcetera, to arrive to the conclusion that the State must rule and exert controls which enable citizens to express freely, to stablish means of communication and that citizens must have access to true and objective information. The previous aspects mentioned must be real and do not belong to the field of formal rights.


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Author Biography

María Teresa Garcés Lloreda, Consejo de Estado

Es abogada de la Universidad Javeriana. Le fué otorgado el diploma de Estudios Profundos de Derecho Público en la Universidad de la Sorbona, París 2. Ha ocupado los cargos de Viceministra de Comunicaciones y Ministra encargada. Relatora de la Sala Constitucional de la Corte Suprema de Justicia. Magistrada del Tribunal Contencioso Administrativo del Valle del Cauca. Miembro de la Asamblea Nacional Constituyente. Magistrada del Consejo Nacional Electoral. Profesora y conferenciante en varias universidades. Actualmente, Conjuez del Consejo de Estado y de la Corte Constitucional y Directora del Instituto de Estudios de Comunicacion y Cultura -Ieco-.

How to Cite

Garcés Lloreda, M. T. (2009). El estado y la televisión. Palabra Clave, 2. Retrieved from https://palabraclave.unisabana.edu.co/index.php/palabraclave/article/view/341