Cyber-hate in Online News Commentaries in Colombia; The Case of Piedad Cordoba


  • Silvia Montaña Author Universidad Externado de Colombia
  • Victoria Elena González Author Universidad Externado de Colombia
  • César Ariza Author Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano


News, Internet, newspaper, feedback, Piedad Cordoba, Colombia. (Sour- ce, UNESCO Thesaurus).


What is the nature of citizen participation and the opinion of citizens in the online commentaries created by the Colombian news media? What kind of discussions and expressions are generated in the news commen- taries published by the online media? How do these participatory scenari- os keep the media agenda alive? These are some of the questions raised in this case study, which is based on observation, monitoring and analysis of four news items captured online in the polarized circumstances that form the setting for political life in Colombia


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Author Biography

Victoria Elena González, Universidad Externado de Colombia

Coordinadora Énfasis de Periodismo Facultad de Comunicación Social-Periodismo, Universidad Externado de Colombia



How to Cite

Montaña, S., González, V. E., & Ariza, C. (2013). Cyber-hate in Online News Commentaries in Colombia; The Case of Piedad Cordoba. Palabra Clave, 16(3), 812–841. Retrieved from