Notes on the film industry and the ideology


  • Juan David Cárdenas Author Pontificia Universidad Javeriana


Movies, Industry, Modernity, Ideology


This article points towards working out a series of suppositions taken forgranted in relation to what it means to make movies. From its first years,when the idea of cinematographic production was naturalized. This collectiveimage made possible the consolidation of the film industry as art and,at the same time, blocked out possible alternatives of filmmaking. In suchsense, this text wants to, through a series of observations; make visible theideological budgets hiding behind this naturalization of the cinematographicproduction.


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Author Biography

Juan David Cárdenas, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Realizador de Cine y TV y Filósofo. Actualmente lleva a cabo sus estudios doctorales en EGS (Suiza).

Docente de planta del Departamento de Artes Visuales de la Universidad javeriana y coordinador de investigación de la Escuela de la imagen de la Corporación Universitaria Unitec.



How to Cite

Cárdenas, J. D. (2012). Notes on the film industry and the ideology. Palabra Clave, 15(3), 415–431. Retrieved from