Analysis of Misinformation about Migrants and Refugees in the Spanish Context and Its Contribution to Hate Speech: Study of Fact Checks by Newtral, Maldita, and Verificat
Misinformation, information disorder, hate speech, migration, refugees, polarizationAbstract
The phenomenon of misinformation has become a global challenge that impacts democratic systems, fosters citizen distrust of the media, and can also be used as a tool to promote and spread hate speech against different groups. Various studies have shown how this misinformation is used to perpetuate negative stereotypes and fuel hostility toward certain ethnic, religious, or social groups, such as migrants and refugees. This research focuses on the disinformation about migrants and refugees detected by the Spanish fact-checking platforms Newtral, Maldita, and Verificat. It utilizes a content analysis method to examine 570 checks from January 2017 to May 2023. The objective is to detect the main types of information disorders affecting migration, their preferred formats, the agents involved, and the main characteristics and themes these hoaxes feature.
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