Artificial Intelligence in Media and Journalism. Systematic Review on Spain and Latin America in Scopus and Web of Science Databases (2018–2022)
Latin America, artificial intelligence, mass media, journalism, social communication, data mining, bibliometric analysisAbstract
Artificial, automated, and algorithmic journalism is a current trend that brings about skills and challenges that newsrooms must face. The automation of journalistic tasks such as the writing of texts and the generation of audiovisuals, podcasts, and other resources to tell stories is mediated by artificial intelligence. Therefore, thinking about journalistic work prospectively offers an alternative to focus on the dynamics that will be a trend in the future. This research aims to conduct a systematic review in the Scopus and Web of Science (N = 627) databases on the scientific production of Spain and Latin America, where artificial intelligence, social communication, and journalism converge. Data mining and web scrapping were used, and the PRISMA declaration methodology was implemented to define inclusion and exclusion criteria for academic production (n = 43), integrating bibliometric analysis techniques in collaboration networks and strengths of links between authors, journals, and countries. Finally, we provide information on search trends, the authors who most developed the topic in question and other metrics of interest. In both databases, Spain has the best performance in scientific collaboration networks.
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