Audiovisual Productions in Vertical Format: The Snap Originals Case. Fiction Consumption at 9:16




Cinema, Internet, social media, Snapchat, vertical video


The audiovisual industry has evolved rapidly due to the proliferation of devices, the democratization of the Internet, and the wide range of audiovisual products for all audiences. Recently, the use of cell phones and the appearance of social media such as Instagram and TikTok have caused videos to be frequently viewed in vertical format, normalizing and standardizing their consumption. Since they are commonly used for commercial and advertising purposes, works of fiction in vertical format have emerged. Regardless of length, technical characteristics, production design, and commercial exploitation, this trend is beginning to establish itself in the audiovisual market. This study analyzes how fiction productions adapt to the vertical format based on the audiovisual line drawn by Snap Originals productions. The research aims to answer questions such as the definition of Snap Originals as fiction productions in vertical format and define the narrative structure and audiovisual language used in this content, as well as their main characteristics.


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How to Cite

Rozados Lorenzo, A., Calvete Lorenzo, S., & Sosa-Fernández, R. del P. (2024). Audiovisual Productions in Vertical Format: The Snap Originals Case. Fiction Consumption at 9:16. Palabra Clave, 26(4), e2646.


