Rhetoric Analysis of the Stencil


  • Heiner José Mercado-Percia Author Universidad EAFIT


Rhetoric, Stencil, Disney War, Speaker, Speech, Rhetoric of the Image


During this debate, I will try and answer the following questions: Can a rhetoricspeech be expressed by means of an image? If it were possible, howcan this image persuade an auditory? These questions arise from the imageof a stencil called Disney War, which appeared on the walls of many citiesworldwide, including Medellin and is being promoted or exposed throughthe Internet.


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Author Biography

Heiner José Mercado-Percia, Universidad EAFIT

Filósofo Universidad de Antioquia. Magíster en Estudios Humanísticos Universidad EAFIT



How to Cite

Mercado-Percia, H. J. (2012). Rhetoric Analysis of the Stencil. Palabra Clave, 15(3), 668–687. Retrieved from https://palabraclave.unisabana.edu.co/index.php/palabraclave/article/view/2178