Slow Media, Media Disconnection, and Slow Journalism. A Critical Balance of the First Decade of Research




Environmental communication, desinfoxication, social movements, slow journalism, slow media, speed, slowness


A decade after the first studies, this article presents a critical balance of the findings and weaknesses of research addressing the relationship between communication and speed/slowness, comprising, among other subareas, slow journalism, media disconnection, and slow media. Our work reconstructs the role of reflection on this topic in communication studies and detects a set of emphases in the literature that detract from its critical potential, especially its individualistic bias and neglect of structural determinants and the interactions between technologies, sociality, and environment. Starting from a critical review of the main monographs, essays, and empirical analyses published to date (2010–2023), we found a set of emerging discussions, committing to redirecting the field by reinforcing the ideals of eco-social transformation that guided it in its beginnings.


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How to Cite

Barranquero, A. (2024). Slow Media, Media Disconnection, and Slow Journalism. A Critical Balance of the First Decade of Research. Palabra Clave, 26(4), e2642.


