Toward a Visual History of Possible Pasts in Rosângela Rennó’s Artistic Practice




Visual arts, photography, public history, document


The article addresses Rosângela Rennó’s artistic practice, relating it to the principles of contemporary historian practice. An overview of the different works in which the artist summons the past as a matter of imagination highlights strategies to bring up possible pasts that confront celebratory narratives of crystallized pasts. Therefore, we reflect on the relationship between artistic and historical practices as means for public histories. We follow a methodological path that begins with some parallels and approximations between visual arts and history to understand the potential uses of historical materials in the artist’s projects. Then, we consider the debates about the experiences of the ‘death of photography’ and the ‘end of history’ amid pictorial or visual turns as a generation phenomenon, concluding with a historical interpretation of Rennó’s works.


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How to Cite

Mauad, A. M. (2023). Toward a Visual History of Possible Pasts in Rosângela Rennó’s Artistic Practice. Palabra Clave, 26(1), e2614.