Conversations with Clío: One Field, Many Stories




The full expansion and consolidation of History of Communication as a field started at the onset of the 21st century. The fruitful relationship between history and communication provides a series of insights that problematize the reading of socio-political and cultural changes beyond the specific history of media. Latin America plays a role in this transition with its contribution from the point of view of communication culture. Some advances in the relationship map are presented through examples and different entries in this dossier.

Para citar este editorial / to reference this editorial / para citar este editorial

Gutiérrez, E. y Cramer, G. (2019). Conversaciones con Clio: un campo, muchas historias. Palabra Clave, 22(4), e2241. DOI: pacla.2019.22.4.1

Publicado en línea: 18/09/2019


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Martin-Barbero, J. (1987). De los medios a las mediaciones. Madrid: Gustavo Gili.

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How to Cite

Gutiérrez, G. E., & Cramer, G. (2019). Conversations with Clío: One Field, Many Stories. Palabra Clave, 22(4).