La Colombia de Pedro Sonderéguer desde la atalaya bonaerense de La Nación




Political history, press, journalism, history of journalism, Colombia, Argentina, biography


Pedro Sonderéguer’s Colombia from the Buenos Aires Vantage Point of La Nación

A Colômbia de Pedro Sonderéguer a partir da atalaia bonaerense de La Nación

Pedro Sondéreguer (Villanueva, Bolívar, 1884–Buenos Aires, 1964) made his “Argentine dream” come true in the prestigious newspaper La Nación in the first half of the 20th century. From there he conceived an Americanist and Colombianist project that he failed to bring to life, but was noticeable in his journalistic work —forgotten both in his home and adoptive countries— and in multiple interviews he gave to the Colombian and foreign press. Why did Sonderéguer not return to Colombia when the Liberal Republic was established and his name was mentioned for high positions in Enrique Olaya Herrera’s administration, if he had all the credentials to practice politics and journalism? It is the question underpinning this article inspired by F. Dosse’s theory of the event with its enigmas and constant reinterpretations of the biography of an intellectual. After outlining the editorial line of La Nación, founded by Bartolomé Miter in 1870, the writer and journalist’s career is reconstructed from scarce biographical notes and testimonies of his peers and relatives. Finally, his political ideas are construed, specifically his statesman projects that sought to boost economic development in Colombia, and his actions are analyzed in the context of the time to attempt to answer the question posed. In reviving this author, a contribution is made not only to the history of Colombian and Argentine journalism, but also to Colombian political history at the dawn of the so-called Liberal Republic marked by the war with Peru and the outbreaks of partisan violence.

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Vallejo, M. (2019). La Colombia de Pedro Sonderéguer desde la atalaya bonaerense de La Nación. Palabra Clave, 22(4), e2245. DOI:

Recibido: 04/03/2019

Aceptado: 26/07/2019

Publicado en línea: 27/08/2019


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Author Biography

Maryluz Vallejo, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Profesora Titular, departamento de Comunicación, Facultad de Comunicación y Lenguaje


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How to Cite

Vallejo, M. (2019). La Colombia de Pedro Sonderéguer desde la atalaya bonaerense de La Nación. Palabra Clave, 22(4).