The Making of a Modern Newspaper: El Tiempo in Colombia, 1911–1940




Colombia, newspapers, journalism, advertising, press advertising, advertising printing machines, printing workshops


La creación de un periódico moderno: El Tiempo en Colombia, 1911-1940

Criação de um jornal moderno: El Tiempo na Colômbia, 1911-1940

In this article I examine the first three decades of operation of the Colombian newspaper El Tiempo as a critical moment to understand the influential position the newspaper held in the country during a large portion of the twentieth century. In particular, I analyze the history of El Tiempo as a business, a topic usually unexplored by the history of the press and the public sphere in Colombia. In the first part, I explore the revenue and expenses of El Tiempo. I argue that facing the imported paper crisis generated by World War I, El Tiempo developed an effective commercial strategy that led the newspaper to become financially independent. In the second part, I analyze the internal organization of El Tiempo and the state of journalism as a profession in Colombia. I argue that the rationalization of tasks and the creation of a workers’ union at El Tiempo anticipated some aspects of what would characterize the professionalization of national journalism. In the third part, I explore the printing technologies and means of transportation used by El Tiempo to print and distribute newspaper issues. I argue that faster printing technologies and means of transportation enabled El Tiempo to expand its format and enlarge its circulation. In the conclusion, I suggest that the modernization of the press in Colombia led by El Tiempo had as a particularity that newspapers became modern while being the organ of a political party, in contrast to other Latin American countries where modern newspaper were independent from political parties.

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Aponte, O. (2019). The making of a modern newspaper: El Tiempo in Colombia, 1911– 1940. Palabra Clave, 22(4), e2244. DOI:

Recibido: 23/02/2019

Aceptado: 10/06/2019

Publicado en línea: 18/09/2019


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Author Biography

Oscar Aponte, The Graduate Center, City University of New York

Estudiante de doctorado en historia


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How to Cite

Aponte, O. (2019). The Making of a Modern Newspaper: El Tiempo in Colombia, 1911–1940. Palabra Clave, 22(4).